
Daniel (Pierre) (jurist)

  • c.1530–1603/1604
  • Fleury, Orléans
  • jurists, scholars
  • (agents)
French jurist and scholar of Orléans, who in 1562 managed to rescue a large collection of manuscripts of the library of Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire) after it was sacked by the Huguenots. After he died, his library was purchased by the scholars Jacques Bongars and Paul Petau and over time, many of the medieval manuscripts ended up in Bern or the Vatican.
Daniel, Pierre, Pub. Virgilii Maronis Bucolicorum, Eclogae X, Georgicorum, libri IIII, Aeneidos, libri XII: et in ea, Mauri Servii Honorati grammatici commentarii, ex antiquiss. exemplaribus longe meliores et auctiores, Paris, 1600.
Internet Archive – (cf.) 1610 edition: <link>

See also: Fleury
Fleury, St. Benedict’s monastery

Monastery on the banks of the Loire in what is now Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire in north-central France.

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Petau (Paul)
Petau (Paul)
French magistrate, councillor at the Parliament of Paris, as well as a scholar and avid collector of books and manuscripts, many of which he acquired from Pierre Daniel. After his death, his library passed to his son, Alexandre.

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Secondary sources (select)

Reynolds, Leighton Durham, and Nigel Guy Wilson, Scribes and scholars: a guide to the transmission of Greek and Latin literature, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991.
168, 175–176, 184
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Dennis Groenewegen
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May 2021